The essential functionality to design topsides, jackets, jack-ups, subsea templates and their equipments from conceptual studies to detailed structural design analysis
Up to date with the latest offshore design standards and recommended practices ensuring smoother certification
Reduce the conservatism in traditional beam-oriented design by efficient conversion to shell elements using the finite element methodologies
Streamline your structural analysis process during design and operation phase
Efficient workflows, encompassing the entire process from modelling to structural analysis, to Ultimate (ULS) and Fatigue (FLS) analyses, where all data and results are part of one single data set
Share, update and monitor revisions of the as-is digital twin - from early design through operation - to enable you to always be on top of the structural integrity
Enjoy smooth interfaces with other Sesam functionality for hydrodynamic, transportation and installation analysis
Invest in a partner, not just software
First-class technical support, tutorials included in the software, training and consulting services
Faster design iterations because all software is integrated and inclusive of parametric modelling
Benefit from a strategic partnership and leverage our continuous innovation for you to win, optimize and operate your offshore projects
Our software packages
We’ve created four packages to do structural design and operation of offshore topsides and bottom-fixed installations: ‘Module’, ‘Topside’, ‘Jacket’ and ‘Jacket Fatigue’ based on what our existing customers use, making it easier to decide what’s right for you.
The functionality for design and operation is basically the same. The focus during design is to establish an optimum design basis often using lots of analysis iterations while operation focuses the update of the as-is structural data model and proving structural integrity at any time.
International design codes propose the use of Structural Reanalysis Systems (SRS) during the operational life time of assets. The main purpose is to have an updated digital twin model of the as-is condition to ensure compliance with safety norms for the structural integrity of the installation. Design and Operation goes hand-in-hand as the as-built data model is the basis for the operational digital twin model.
A key in SRS is to keep track of the version changes and to share the data with key stakeholders. Sesam Insight is made for this as it allows for version handling of data and results and easy sharing of the data to ensure all stakeholders understand changes over time and have access to as-is data. The single data concept as provided by Sesam is ideal in such sense, as it allows for changes of structure, properties, loads and environment over time.
The Module package is a beginner’s package that includes finite element capabilities and the ability to design steel structures quickly. This software enables the construction of modest deck structures, flare towers, helidecks, modules and subsea templates using beams, plates, and other structural components for conditions like transportation, lifting and in-place. The package will do modelling, analysis and member/plate code checking. This package is ideal if you want to learn Sesam by using it for the design analysis of small structures.
This introduction package of Sesam will let you do structural analysis and beam code checking of smaller structures like subsea templates, helideck, equipment, modules and topside
It can be used to do in-place analysis, lifting analysis and transportation analysis (using accelerations or RAO as input)
The model can be built using up to 500 beams. Plates can be included to make a finite element model with up to a total of 10.000 finite elements
The loads are of type point load, line load, pressure load, acceleration load, temperature load and wind area load
Linear static and dynamic analysis is supported, and beam code checks can be done according to API/AISC, ISO/Eurocode and Norsok/Eurocode. It is also possible to do plate code check based on DNV RP-C201.1 and DNV RP-C201.2 (PULS)
The finite element mesh will be created based on user input
Model and load data can be imported from other analysis tools and CAD systems
You may share the model and code check results with other stakeholders using Sesam Insight (a web-based collaboration tool)
This package contains a limited version of the DNV Sesam programs GeniE for modelling and code checking of beams and plates and Sestra for structural analysis. Sesam Insight in included
If you have larger models, you should consider upgrading to the Topside package. In case you want to include wave, pile and soil you should use the Jacket package
The Topside package uses the conceptual modelling approach to generate large models more quickly, specify the loads, then maintain and analyze these intricate models more effectively utilizing automated structural techniques to perform ULS, all while saving both time and cost. The focus is on the structure above sea water level of any size.
The Topside package focus in-place, lifting and transportation of topside, helideck, sub-sea templates, flare booms for the purpose of ULS analysis
The structure can be built using beams and plates subjected to point loads, line loads, pressure loads, wind area loads, temperature and accelerations
The package will do linear static and dynamic analysis and beam code checks can be done according to the latest (and older) revisions of API/AISC, ISO/Eurocode and Norsok/Eurocode
The finite element mesh will be created based on user input
Model and load data can be imported from other analysis tools and CAD systems
The model and code check results can be shared with stakeholders using Sesam Insight (a web-based collaboration tool)
This package contains the DNV Sesam programs GeniE for modelling, GeniE extension CCBM for code checking of beams and Sestra for structural analysis. Sesam Insight is included
In case you want to include wave, pile and soil you should upgrade to the Jacket package. Fatigue analysis can be done by upgrading to the Jacket Fatigue package
The Jacket package enables you to model offshore complete structures including topside, equipment, module, flare boom, jacket, pile and boat-landing. The wave and wind loads are calculated and automatically applied to the model together with other specified loads. The structural analysis (static or dynamic) including non-linear pile/soil analysis leads up to ULS (Ultimate Limit State analysis).
This package focus in-place of jacket and jack-up, lifting and transportation of topside, helideck, sub-sea templates and flare booms for the purpose of ULS analysis
The structure can be built using beams and plates subjected to point loads, line loads, pressure loads, wind area loads, temperature and accelerations. Environmental wave and wind loads are calculated and applied to the structural model
The package will do linear static and dynamic analysis. Member and tubular joint code checks can be done according to the latest (and older) revisions of API/AISC, ISO/Eurocode and Norsok/Eurocode. The analysis includes non-linear pile-soil analysis based on the specified soil data
The finite element mesh will be created based on user input
Model and load data can be imported from other analysis tools, CAD systems and soil data definitions
The model and code check results can be shared with stakeholders using Sesam Insight (a web-based collaboration tool)
This package contains the DNV Sesam programs GeniE for modelling, GeniE extension CCBM for code checking of beams, Wajac for wave load analysis, Splice for pile/soil analysis and Sestra for structural analysis. Sesam Insight is included
In case you want to do fatigue analysis or earthquake member and tubular joint code checking you should upgrade to the Jacket Fatigue package
The Jacket fatigue package is the most sophisticated package level, allowing users to model and evaluate the full offshore structure, including all its intricacies in structure, environmental conditions, and soil. It enables the structure to be designed in accordance with the latest design requirements, as well as for fatigue and seismic resistance. You may also easily refine beam models to shell models for a better prediction of the dynamic stresses for use in predicting stress concentration factors for use in beam fatigue or to do shell fatigue according to DNV-RP-C203.
This package focus in-place of jacket and jack-up, lifting and transportation of topside, helideck, sub-sea templates and flare booms for the purpose of ULS and FLS analysis
The structure can be built using beams and plates subjected to point loads, line loads, pressure loads, wind area loads, temperature and accelerations. Environmental wave and wind loads are calculated. Modelling of curved shells is included and there are options for automatic conversion of tubular joints to shell models
The package will do linear static and dynamic analysis and beam code checks can be done according to the latest (and older) revisions of API/AISC, ISO/Eurocode and Norsok/Eurocode. The analysis includes non-linear pile-soil analysis based on the soil data defined in Sesam
The finite element mesh will be created based on user input and can be manually edited prior to analysis
Earthquake member code checking based on earthquake spectra is included in this package
Member fatigue can be carried out based on deterministic, stochastic, spectral or time-domain approach, while shell fatigue can be done using stochastic or time domain results as basis
Model and load data can be imported from other analysis tools, CAD systems and soil data definitions
The model, code check and fatigue results can be shared with stakeholders using Sesam Insight (a web-based collaboration tool)
This package contains the DNV Sesam programs GeniE for modelling, GeniE extension CGEO for curved shell modelling, GeniE extension CCBM for code checking of beams, GeniE extension REFM for mesh editing, Wajac for wave load analysis, Splice for pile/soil analysis, Sestra for structural analysis, Framework for member fatigue and Stofat for plate fatigue. Sesam Insight is also included
Automatic conversion of tubular joints to shell models embedded in the global analysis model
Our work is enabling the customers to assess structural risk at a level of detail and accuracy never previously possible, paving the way to major drilling and production developments.
a leading engineering consultancy
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Yes, you can trial a reduced version of Sesam to learn how to model a structure, add loads, run structural analysis, perform code checking and re-design. All usage shall be of non-commercial nature.
Yes, academic licenses are offered to universities on highly favourable terms. Academic licences are to be used for educational and non-commercial research projects only.
DNV offers department or university licences only (not on an individual student's). Please liaise with your professor and contact us to discuss.
We've created four software packages, you can find a list of their modules and capabilities in the product brochure.
For any additional capabilities / modules, please contact us.
We've created four software packages based on different capabilities needed to design fixed offshore wind foundations.
Prices for the packages and modules included can be found in the product brochure.
For additional capabilities / modules, please contact us.
Please view our package product brochure for pricing and licencing information and then contact us to purchase.
Still have questions about what Sesam can do for your company?