An industry information source of solutions and ideas to help us accelerate the energy transition

Views from the industry: RES
Power and renewables

RES, the world’s largest independent renewable energy company, is active in wind, solar, energy storage, transmission and distribution.

2022 Battery Performance Scorecard
Power and renewables

DNV’s fourth Battery Scorecard and new online dashboard help to better inform industry decisions on safety and performance.

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Controlling wind farms for higher energy production
Power and renewables

In a global crisis, remote and digital solutions can help you to deliver your projects, mitigate uncertainty, adapt to changing conditions and become more carbon resilient with flexible solutions such as remote inspections, remote measurements and virtual site visits.

Solar on mountains
Power and renewables

The world is electrifying. The share of electricity in the total energy mix will more than double to 45% by 2050. Renewable energy, led by solar photovoltaic (PV), will supply that growth and replace much of today’s fossil-fuel generated electricity. The reason? Cost.

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