Voyage Optimisation

Training course covering all relevant issues related to fuel efficient voyage planning and voyage optimization.


To gain knowledge about fuel efficient vessel operation and take better decisions as "energy manager".

Entrance regulations

Basic understanding of ship resistance and M/E power demand, background as nautical officer would be beneficial

Who should attend:
Energy efficiency dedicated staff in shipping companies: Superintendents, Fleet Managers, Energy Managers; interested Masters and Nautical Officers.

Duration: 1 day

Fuel efficient vessel operation is a key business objective, reducing operational expenses to the unavoidable minimum. This can be achieved through effective awareness training, basic education, suitable supporting tools and meaningful follow up by the onshore organisation.
The voyage optimisation course is tailored towards onshore personnel who have to support the fleet with fuel efficient actions. The course covers fuel efficient voyage planning taking into account safe operation, weather and contractual requirements.
Participants are made aware of options to lower consumption and gain deeper insight into the specifics of weather routing, rudder and autopilot use, ballast water use and speed setting. Challenges when selecting supporting tools and integrating new routines into daily operation are discussed.
Course content covers all relevant issues related to voyage optimisation as recommended in the IMO model course on energy efficient operation of ships.
Specifically, the tasks of system/tool selection, communication with crews and maintaining the SEEMP will be addressed.
Interactive teaching methods alternating between presentation, group work, case studies and guided discussions are used throughout the course to ensure audience focus and effective knowledge transfer.

The course focuses on:

  • Factors influencing energy consumption en route
  • Concrete options to support efficient operation: prospects and limitations
  • Integration into daily operation and fleet management
Use the Course Finder below to check for the next course dates available in your country.


To gain knowledge about fuel efficient vessel operation and take better decisions as "energy manager".

Entrance regulations

Basic understanding of ship resistance and M/E power demand, background as nautical officer would be beneficial

Who should attend:
Energy efficiency dedicated staff in shipping companies: Superintendents, Fleet Managers, Energy Managers; interested Masters and Nautical Officers.

Duration: 1 day

Fuel efficient vessel operation is a key business objective, reducing operational expenses to the unavoidable minimum. This can be achieved through effective awareness training, basic education, suitable supporting tools and meaningful follow up by the onshore organisation.
The voyage optimisation course is tailored towards onshore personnel who have to support the fleet with fuel efficient actions. The course covers fuel efficient voyage planning taking into account safe operation, weather and contractual requirements.
Participants are made aware of options to lower consumption and gain deeper insight into the specifics of weather routing, rudder and autopilot use, ballast water use and speed setting. Challenges when selecting supporting tools and integrating new routines into daily operation are discussed.
Course content covers all relevant issues related to voyage optimisation as recommended in the IMO model course on energy efficient operation of ships.
Specifically, the tasks of system/tool selection, communication with crews and maintaining the SEEMP will be addressed.
Interactive teaching methods alternating between presentation, group work, case studies and guided discussions are used throughout the course to ensure audience focus and effective knowledge transfer.

The course focuses on:

  • Factors influencing energy consumption en route
  • Concrete options to support efficient operation: prospects and limitations
  • Integration into daily operation and fleet management
Use the Course Finder below to check for the next course dates available in your country.

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