SY-46 Synergi Pipeline Simulator (SPS) advanced

The course covers various Synergi Pipeline Simulator advanced topics


The course covers various Synergi Pipeline Simulator advanced topics including, but not limited to:

  • Surge analysis
  • Advanced control systems
  • DRA modelling
  • Advanced workflows

The training will include formal presentation materials and workshops, as well as open discussions involving all participants.

Learning objectives

Each Synergi Pipeline Simulator advanced course is different and custom-tailored to questions and topics submitted by participants prior to each training. As a result of the custom nature of this course, class size is limited to a maximum of 10 students.

Target group

Users with extensive Synergi Pipeline Simulator knowledge who are seeking to add to their existing skillset.


The course covers various Synergi Pipeline Simulator advanced topics including, but not limited to:

  • Surge analysis
  • Advanced control systems
  • DRA modelling
  • Advanced workflows

The training will include formal presentation materials and workshops, as well as open discussions involving all participants.

Learning objectives

Each Synergi Pipeline Simulator advanced course is different and custom-tailored to questions and topics submitted by participants prior to each training. As a result of the custom nature of this course, class size is limited to a maximum of 10 students.

Target group

Users with extensive Synergi Pipeline Simulator knowledge who are seeking to add to their existing skillset.

Dates Venue Register by Course fee Computer





Register by


Course fee








Register by

Course fee



Attendees use their own PC with the latest software version installed

More information

  Certificate of training

Certificate of training

Issued upon completion of the training. Register here.

  Synergi Pipeline Simulator

Synergi Pipeline Simulator

Read more about Synergi Pipeline Simulator software

SY-46 Synergi Pipeline Simulator (SPS) advanced training