SE-22 Sub-modelling analysis combined with plate/shell fatigue analysis

Sub-modelling analysis combined with plate/shell fatigue analysis


The course introduces the sub-modelling technique which allows a refined analysis of a detail of the whole structure. Local detail model with refined mesh will be prepared by GeniE. Displacements extracted from an analysis of the whole structure are subjected to the sub-model boundaries by Submod together with local loads on the sub-model. Such local sub-model loads may be hydrodynamic loads. A sub-model analysis facilitates stochastic (spectral) fatigue analysis of a plate/shell detail in Stofat.

Learning scope

Learn how to create sub-models in GeniE and use Submod to perform a sub-modelling analysis. Also learn to use Stofat for stochastic fatigue analysis of plate/shell structures.

  • Preparation of local structure model 
  • Sub-modelling analysis approach 
  • Local spectral fatigue analysis

Target group

Structural engineers involved in detailed design of fixed and floating offshore structures built up by plate/shells and with attention to fine mesh and fatigue problems.


The course introduces the sub-modelling technique which allows a refined analysis of a detail of the whole structure. Local detail model with refined mesh will be prepared by GeniE. Displacements extracted from an analysis of the whole structure are subjected to the sub-model boundaries by Submod together with local loads on the sub-model. Such local sub-model loads may be hydrodynamic loads. A sub-model analysis facilitates stochastic (spectral) fatigue analysis of a plate/shell detail in Stofat.

Learning scope

Learn how to create sub-models in GeniE and use Submod to perform a sub-modelling analysis. Also learn to use Stofat for stochastic fatigue analysis of plate/shell structures.

  • Preparation of local structure model 
  • Sub-modelling analysis approach 
  • Local spectral fatigue analysis

Target group

Structural engineers involved in detailed design of fixed and floating offshore structures built up by plate/shells and with attention to fine mesh and fatigue problems.

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SE-22 Sub-modelling analysis combined with plate/shell fatigue analysis