Machinery Surveys and Damage - Survey Simulator Practice

Training course about about structured damage analysis and applicable repair methods.


Proficiency in “managing” damages in case of an emergency, comprehension of certain methods for temporary and permanent repairs of classified vessels.

Entrance regulations


Who should attend:
Technical Managers, Fleet Managers, Superintendents, Ship officers, Ship repair yards technical staff
Any ship or shore technical staff

Duration: 2 days

Course participants will receive tips on structured damage analysis, applicable repair methods (temporary and permanent repairs) from a classification society’s point of view. The course consists of a lecture and individual practical exercises also in virtual reality, using Survey Simulator.
SurveySimulator, is an innovative solution helping to train in carrying out visual inspections in more comprehensive, efficient and safe way.
SurveySimulator makes practical training possible without leaving classroom.
Thousands of deficiencies placed on virtual vessels available for training purpose.
Deficiencies are both safety-related and of technical nature. The deficiencies are based on DNV GL’s global inspection experience from hundreds of real-life inspections carried out every year.

SurveySimulator consists high reality 3D Models:
  • Four detailed 3D models of vessels are available for realistic survey simulations
  • Every vessel in SurveySimulator is a reflection of a real ship or structure. With extreme care, our specialists designed every single detail from the hull to smallest screw
  • Each vessel consists of several survey areas (spaces, tanks, etc.) – typical for certain ship type

  • The course focuses on:

    • Machinery surveys:
    • Class Systematics
    • Scope and Methods
    • Different Survey Arrangements

    • Damages and Repairs to Machinery Components:
    • Shafting
    • Propellers – SuSi practice
    • Rudders – SuSi practice
    • Engines
    • Boilers
    • ER fires
    • ER flooding

    • Certification requirements to machinery components and spare parts


Proficiency in “managing” damages in case of an emergency, comprehension of certain methods for temporary and permanent repairs of classified vessels.

Entrance regulations


Who should attend:
Technical Managers, Fleet Managers, Superintendents, Ship officers, Ship repair yards technical staff
Any ship or shore technical staff

Duration: 2 days

Course participants will receive tips on structured damage analysis, applicable repair methods (temporary and permanent repairs) from a classification society’s point of view. The course consists of a lecture and individual practical exercises also in virtual reality, using Survey Simulator.
SurveySimulator, is an innovative solution helping to train in carrying out visual inspections in more comprehensive, efficient and safe way.
SurveySimulator makes practical training possible without leaving classroom.
Thousands of deficiencies placed on virtual vessels available for training purpose.
Deficiencies are both safety-related and of technical nature. The deficiencies are based on DNV GL’s global inspection experience from hundreds of real-life inspections carried out every year.

SurveySimulator consists high reality 3D Models:
  • Four detailed 3D models of vessels are available for realistic survey simulations
  • Every vessel in SurveySimulator is a reflection of a real ship or structure. With extreme care, our specialists designed every single detail from the hull to smallest screw
  • Each vessel consists of several survey areas (spaces, tanks, etc.) – typical for certain ship type

  • The course focuses on:

    • Machinery surveys:
    • Class Systematics
    • Scope and Methods
    • Different Survey Arrangements

    • Damages and Repairs to Machinery Components:
    • Shafting
    • Propellers – SuSi practice
    • Rudders – SuSi practice
    • Engines
    • Boilers
    • ER fires
    • ER flooding

    • Certification requirements to machinery components and spare parts

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