Low Sulphur Fuel – Compliance with 2020 Requirements

Training course on managing the requirements concerning sulphur reduction for ship new buildings and ships in service.


Participants will gain thorough knowledge for managing the international requirements concerning sulphur reduction for ship new buildings and ships in service. Special focus will be given to the Global Sulphur Cap 2020 and the selection of compliant fuels.

Entrance regulations

Basic knowledge of maritime rules and regulations

Who should attend:
Shipping Companies: Management: Techn. Director (CTO), Manag. Director (CEO), assistance; Inspection: Superintendent, fleet manager, chief operating officer 
On Board Personnel: Nautical and technical officers, engineers
Yard: Management: Techn. Director (CTO), Manag. Director (CEO), assistance, design manager, naval architects, mechanical engineers, project engineers, production manager, engineer 
Supplier (M&C): Techn. Director (CTO), Manag. Director (CEO), Techn. Assistants, Engineers

Duration: 1 day

In the light of a Global Sulphur Cap 2020, course participants will be brought up to date on the statutory requirements for reduction of sulphur emissions in international seafaring.

Fuel with reduced sulphur will influence various installations and components on board.

New fuels entered the market recently which need a different approach in terms of fuel stability, fuel compatibility and catalytic fines. 

Practical examples gained from experience within DNV are given during the course. Case studies are used to deepen understanding and trigger more detailed discussion of the implications of using different fuel.

The course focuses on:

  • Keeping the ship in-line with new international requirements while maintaining safe and profitable operational conditions and avoiding damage to machinery
  • Avoiding fines and port state detentions by being in compliance with new regulations
  • Being able to design, construct and inspect a ship with respect to the latest international regulations relating to fuel
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Participants will gain thorough knowledge for managing the international requirements concerning sulphur reduction for ship new buildings and ships in service. Special focus will be given to the Global Sulphur Cap 2020 and the selection of compliant fuels.

Entrance regulations

Basic knowledge of maritime rules and regulations

Who should attend:
Shipping Companies: Management: Techn. Director (CTO), Manag. Director (CEO), assistance; Inspection: Superintendent, fleet manager, chief operating officer 
On Board Personnel: Nautical and technical officers, engineers
Yard: Management: Techn. Director (CTO), Manag. Director (CEO), assistance, design manager, naval architects, mechanical engineers, project engineers, production manager, engineer 
Supplier (M&C): Techn. Director (CTO), Manag. Director (CEO), Techn. Assistants, Engineers

Duration: 1 day

In the light of a Global Sulphur Cap 2020, course participants will be brought up to date on the statutory requirements for reduction of sulphur emissions in international seafaring.

Fuel with reduced sulphur will influence various installations and components on board.

New fuels entered the market recently which need a different approach in terms of fuel stability, fuel compatibility and catalytic fines. 

Practical examples gained from experience within DNV are given during the course. Case studies are used to deepen understanding and trigger more detailed discussion of the implications of using different fuel.

The course focuses on:

  • Keeping the ship in-line with new international requirements while maintaining safe and profitable operational conditions and avoiding damage to machinery
  • Avoiding fines and port state detentions by being in compliance with new regulations
  • Being able to design, construct and inspect a ship with respect to the latest international regulations relating to fuel
Use the Course Finder below to check for the next course dates available in your country.

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