Learning from events: Professional event investigation - Indonesia

This training will provide knowledge of what is really happening in the workplace and from this understanding help prevent its recurrence, which could possibly result in even more severe loss in the future.

“On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have to turn it to use.” – Epictetus, 60 – 120 A. D.

Accidents/incidents/events in the workplace result in harm to people, damage to property, loss to process, and the environment. To benefit from a loss producing event, a thorough and timely investigation of the accident/incident/event is required. The investigation will provide knowledge of what is really happening in the workplace and from this understanding, will help prevent its recurrence, which could possibly result in even more severe loss in the future.

Learning objectives

The purpose of investigating an event is often poorly understood. Investigations often result in blame-fixing and fault-finding exercises. The real reasons for what has happened are seldom determined and solutions thus become ineffective. On the other hand, if an event investigation is thorough, the real or basic causes can be identified. Proper evaluation of the risks such as the likelihood of recurrence and the potential for major loss can be made, and adequate and focused controls developed. In this way, the investigation becomes a valuable tool to prevent recurrence of similar events. Additionally, management will have demonstrated their concern for the well-being of their employees, fostering better employee relations.

This 3-day course will provide SHEQ professionals, or anybody who must participate in investigations, with the required knowledge and skills to be an effective investigator.

Who should attend?

Participants would be key operating managers, safety, health, environmental, and quality professionals/managers, and supervisors of operations where SHEQ hazards exist in the workplace. Implementers of ISO 9000, ISO 14001, and/or OHSAS 18001 based systems are also strongly encouraged to attend.

Course contents

An accident/incident/event investigation course cannot be effective if it only provides theory. In 'Learning from events: Professional event investigation', you will have ample opportunities to put into practice, through individual and group exercises, time-proven investigation and cause analysis techniques. Specifically, you will use, learn, and see the benefits of:

  • A video case study of an accident event, used as a case study guide throughout the course
  • Understanding the causes, effects, and control of loss
  • Why people should investigate events
  • Appropriate emergency responses and initial investigative actions
  • Accident photography, sketching, and mapping
  • How to obtain accurate information from witnesses, physical conditions, and internal documents
  • Essential elements of effective investigation reports
  • How to gain internal support for remedial actions
  • Causal factor analysis methods (DNV’s effective “SCAT” technique).

Why choose DNV?

DNV has extensive experience in the provision of integrated SHEQ management services to business, governments, and industry, through our training, consulting, and assessment/certification services. Our standing and reputation as one of the world’s largest certification bodies, as a developer of integrated audit rating tools such as the DNV – ISRS© management systems assessment protocol, and our years of consulting experience in assisting organizations to achieve “world-class” SHEQ excellence, make DNV the right partner for your organization.

“On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have to turn it to use.” – Epictetus, 60 – 120 A. D.

Accidents/incidents/events in the workplace result in harm to people, damage to property, loss to process, and the environment. To benefit from a loss producing event, a thorough and timely investigation of the accident/incident/event is required. The investigation will provide knowledge of what is really happening in the workplace and from this understanding, will help prevent its recurrence, which could possibly result in even more severe loss in the future.

Learning objectives

The purpose of investigating an event is often poorly understood. Investigations often result in blame-fixing and fault-finding exercises. The real reasons for what has happened are seldom determined and solutions thus become ineffective. On the other hand, if an event investigation is thorough, the real or basic causes can be identified. Proper evaluation of the risks such as the likelihood of recurrence and the potential for major loss can be made, and adequate and focused controls developed. In this way, the investigation becomes a valuable tool to prevent recurrence of similar events. Additionally, management will have demonstrated their concern for the well-being of their employees, fostering better employee relations.

This 3-day course will provide SHEQ professionals, or anybody who must participate in investigations, with the required knowledge and skills to be an effective investigator.

Who should attend?

Participants would be key operating managers, safety, health, environmental, and quality professionals/managers, and supervisors of operations where SHEQ hazards exist in the workplace. Implementers of ISO 9000, ISO 14001, and/or OHSAS 18001 based systems are also strongly encouraged to attend.

Course contents

An accident/incident/event investigation course cannot be effective if it only provides theory. In 'Learning from events: Professional event investigation', you will have ample opportunities to put into practice, through individual and group exercises, time-proven investigation and cause analysis techniques. Specifically, you will use, learn, and see the benefits of:

  • A video case study of an accident event, used as a case study guide throughout the course
  • Understanding the causes, effects, and control of loss
  • Why people should investigate events
  • Appropriate emergency responses and initial investigative actions
  • Accident photography, sketching, and mapping
  • How to obtain accurate information from witnesses, physical conditions, and internal documents
  • Essential elements of effective investigation reports
  • How to gain internal support for remedial actions
  • Causal factor analysis methods (DNV’s effective “SCAT” technique).

Why choose DNV?

DNV has extensive experience in the provision of integrated SHEQ management services to business, governments, and industry, through our training, consulting, and assessment/certification services. Our standing and reputation as one of the world’s largest certification bodies, as a developer of integrated audit rating tools such as the DNV – ISRS© management systems assessment protocol, and our years of consulting experience in assisting organizations to achieve “world-class” SHEQ excellence, make DNV the right partner for your organization.