IEC 61511 Functional safety training for the process industry sector
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the functional safety standards (IEC and ISO), and the application as IEC 61511 in the process industry sector, an introduction to functional safety management, SIS lifecycle activities, methods for SIL classification and SIL compliance, selection of SIS devices, and other topics in IEC 61511.
Course description
The training course provides:
- Overview of functional safety standards, brief introduction to Norwegian regulations and NOG guideline 070
- Overview of risk management process
- Management of functional safety
- SIS lifecycle management
- SIL classification methods (Risk graph, LOPA)
- Safety Requirement Specification
- SIS design and engineering (architectural constraints, PFD calculation, systematic capability, selection of devices, interfaces)
- Application program development
- SIS installation, test, validation, and commissioning
- SIS operation and maintenance
- Modifications
- SIS decommissioning
- Documentation
Learning objectives
After this training you will be able to have:
- an overview of the functional safety activities detailed in IEC 61511 such as, risk management in process safety and functional safety standards; SIS lifecycle management; SIL determination and verification methods; SIS device selection; application program development; test and validation; operation and maintenance; modification; and documentation requirement in the SIS life-cycle phases; and
- basic knowledge to apply functional safety in the process industry domain.
Target group
Personnels involved with risk management, technical risk, process safety, SIS design and engineering, operation and maintenance, project management, device supplier, and other activities within functional safety in the process industry domain.
The course knowledge is applicable for personnels working in various areas within process industry, such as, oil and gas, chemical, refinery, and others.