GlobalG.A.P. IFA – Integrated Farm Assurance V6 Smart Plant Scopes - Transition Course

A two-days course covering the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA V6 standard requirements for responsible farming practices, in preparation for an organizations’ transition from V5 to V6.

The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the requirements outlined in Integrated Farm Assurance Version 6 for plant scopes. It also facilitates learning and comprehension of how to utilize the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA V6 standard requirements to enhance responsible farming practices in preparation transition from V5 to V6.


Upon successful completion of the course, attendees will gain understanding of GlobalG.A.P. IFA V6 SMART requirements, and key differences when compared with version 5 and will fully understand and be able to apply key principles in:

  • Environmental sustainability and biodiversity;
  • Workers' health, safety, and welfare;
  • Traceability;
  • Production processes;
  • Integrated crop management;
  • Quality management system;
  • Hazard analysis and risk assessment


General understanding of integrated farm assurance principles and knowledge of GlobalG.A.P. IFA V 5.


This course is recommended for anyone who is engaged in designing, managing and or implementing an integrated farm assurance system within the plants scope, including fruits and vegetable, and flowers and ornamentals and especially:

  • Consultants;
  • Technical advisors;
  • Producer group managers;
  • QMS managers;
  • Internal QMS/farm auditors;
  • Business executives with a desire to learn about the Integrated Farm Assurance System.


All our public courses can also be delivered in-house at your premises either as standard or tailored depending on the needs and requirements of your business; Contact us if you are interested or want to know more.

Management Systems Training

APQP4Wind Training

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Environment and energy training

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Food safety training

The food and beverage industry is moving to satisfy demands from international consumers and to open new market opportunities

Health and safety training

Your company is expected to care for its employees by managing safety and health in a professional way

Healthcare training

Every patient and service user across the globe should get the best care possible

Medical devices training

Production of medical devices is a strictly regulated business. In almost all countries, and for most medical products, there are requirements and standards to which manufacturers need to show compliance

Quality & performance training

An effective quality management system in place can improve your company’s quality processes and overall performance and success

Social responsibility training

Ensuring your commitment to safeguard human rights and operate in an ethical, responsible manner is essential to instill ethical practices and promote a culture of corporate sustainability