Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9: Lead Auditor Training

Get an understanding of the Standard in terms of the protocol, requirements and how to audit effectively. To complete the course successfully, participants will need to write an exam with 50 questions and gain a pass mark of 75%.

The duration of this course is 40 hours. This 5-day in-depth course will provide an understanding of the Standard in terms of the protocol, requirements and how to audit effectively. Delegates will gain an in-depth guide to the requirements of the Standard, and learn how to undertake a BRCGS audit, including effective planning, conducting and reporting of the audit.

Auditing techniques will be practiced and developed, to include the auditor competency skills required of GFSI scheme auditors. Delegates must have a prior working knowledge of quality management systems and auditing within the relevant manufacturing sector and have completed a HACCP course of at least two days duration. Successful completion of this course, including the exam, forms part of the training necessary to become a BRCGS auditor. The steps necessary to complete your training must be arranged with a BRCGS-approved certification body.


After this training, delegates will have a better knowledge of:

  • The details of the BRCGS scheme;
  • The requirements of the Standard and how compliance can be demonstrated;
  • BRCGS auditing protocol;
  • Effective auditing techniques;
  • Food safety auditor competencies as defined by GFSI;
  • Completing the audit report;
  • Compliance monitoring of certification bodies;
  • The BRCGS Directory.


The course is targeted at auditors attached to certification bodies or new auditors seeking registration, technical and quality managers who wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the audit process, consultants.


All our public courses can also be delivered in-house at your premises either as standard or tailored depending on the needs and requirements of your business; Contact us if you are interested or want to know more.

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