Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management

Training course on improving a company’s emergency preparedness.


Ability to improve a company’s emergency preparedness and control of one’s own behaviour in emergency situations.

Entrance regulations

Basic knowledge of contingency planning in shipping

Who should attend:
Shipping Companies: Superintendents, fleet managers, CSO, designated persons, nautical officers, engineers

Duration: 1 day

In emergencies it is crucial that the right decisions are taken.
This workshop introduces methods which allow controlled decision-making under the conditions of great stress.
The principles of crisis management are imparted and discussed in case studies and role plays. In particular the influence of the human element of emergency situations is addressed.

The course focuses on:

  • Requirements for contingency planning [SOLAS, ISM, IMO Res. A 852 (20)]
  • Requirements for training, drills and exercises
  • Tasks and duties of emergency teams on board and ashore
  • Behaviour of individuals and teams in high-stress situations
  • Dealing with the media and public in emergency situations


Ability to improve a company’s emergency preparedness and control of one’s own behaviour in emergency situations.

Entrance regulations

Basic knowledge of contingency planning in shipping

Who should attend:
Shipping Companies: Superintendents, fleet managers, CSO, designated persons, nautical officers, engineers

Duration: 1 day

In emergencies it is crucial that the right decisions are taken.
This workshop introduces methods which allow controlled decision-making under the conditions of great stress.
The principles of crisis management are imparted and discussed in case studies and role plays. In particular the influence of the human element of emergency situations is addressed.

The course focuses on:

  • Requirements for contingency planning [SOLAS, ISM, IMO Res. A 852 (20)]
  • Requirements for training, drills and exercises
  • Tasks and duties of emergency teams on board and ashore
  • Behaviour of individuals and teams in high-stress situations
  • Dealing with the media and public in emergency situations

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