Condition & Remaining Lifetime Assessment training course

This three-day training course provides insight into modern methods and techniques for assessing the condition and remaining life of equipment for electrical transmission and distribution.

Assess present condition, determine future health.

Substation equipment, such as transformers, circuit breakers and cables, represents a major capital investment in power stations and grids and is crucial for grid reliability. On the one hand, components are subject to aging and degradation, particularly at a high-duty cycle, or in the case of repeated short duration overloading. On the other hand, components may perform well even after their economic lifetime has long expired.

Modern asset management requires the asset-related risks to be known, critically relying on assessment of the condition and forecasting of future life. This information forms the basis for decisions on maintenance and operation, refurbishment, repair and replacement (strategies).

This three-day training course provides insight into modern methods and techniques.


  • Role of condition and remaining life assessment in risk based asset management
  • Introduction to assessment methods and strategies, and failure analysis
  • Generic condition assessment methods (inspection, thermography, partial discharges
  • Transformer condition and remaining life assessment
  • Switchgear condition and remaining life assessment
  • Underground cable condition and remaining life assessment
  • Special applications (failure investigations, fleet assessment, health indexing)


  • understanding of the reasons and benefits of condition and remaining life assessment  
  • understanding of component degradation and failure  
  • knowledge of the methods for assessing condition and remaining life  
  • insight into how to develop your own set of selected methods and techniques

Target Audience:
Asset managers, operational managers, maintenance managers, maintenance engineers, plant and grid operators, and anyone else involved in the assessment of the condition and forecasting the future life of T&D equipment. It is recommended that participants should have at least a Bachelor of Engineering degree.


This course is available as in-company on request in the English or Dutch language. For more information, please contact us.

Huge competence and knowledge concentrated and systematized into three-days course"

  • Aleksey Pasko
  • Tavrida Electric Ukraine

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