Bulk Carriers – Technical and Operational Aspects

Training course introducing the current regulatory framework for bulk carriers and key considerations for operations.


To provide up to date information about the regulatory framework for the ship type segment Bulk Carrier.

To support participants involved in the evaluation process for prompt investment and operating cost calculations, and simplify decision-making processes.

Entrance requirements

Experience in the bulk carrier shipping segment

Who should attend:
Superintendents, fleet managers, quality managers, designated persons, nautical officers, engineers, ratings, assistants (inspection)

Duration: 1 day

This course introduces the current regulatory framework for bulk carriers and considers its future amendments. The consequences of these requirements on the operation of ships and their construction will be discussed. Information on current market development in the shipping sector is also covered.

See also the DNV Bulk Carrier pages here

The course focuses on:

  • Regulatory framework for bulk carriers
  • IMO Conventions and Codes (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line, Grain Code, ESP, IMSBC Code)
  • Regional and national regulations (e.g. EU Directives)
  • IACS (Unified Requirements, Interpretations
  • Recommendations, Common Structural Rules
  • DNV Rules and Guidelines and DNV services for bulk carriers
  • Technical and operational consequences
  • Market information


To provide up to date information about the regulatory framework for the ship type segment Bulk Carrier.

To support participants involved in the evaluation process for prompt investment and operating cost calculations, and simplify decision-making processes.

Entrance requirements

Experience in the bulk carrier shipping segment

Who should attend:
Superintendents, fleet managers, quality managers, designated persons, nautical officers, engineers, ratings, assistants (inspection)

Duration: 1 day

This course introduces the current regulatory framework for bulk carriers and considers its future amendments. The consequences of these requirements on the operation of ships and their construction will be discussed. Information on current market development in the shipping sector is also covered.

See also the DNV Bulk Carrier pages here

The course focuses on:

  • Regulatory framework for bulk carriers
  • IMO Conventions and Codes (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line, Grain Code, ESP, IMSBC Code)
  • Regional and national regulations (e.g. EU Directives)
  • IACS (Unified Requirements, Interpretations
  • Recommendations, Common Structural Rules
  • DNV Rules and Guidelines and DNV services for bulk carriers
  • Technical and operational consequences
  • Market information

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