Alternative Shipboard Internal Audits

Training course on techniques and tools for planning and conducting remote or alternative management system internal audits.


To train participants on the techniques and tools for conducting remote management system internal audits of vessels in accordance with accepted auditing principles. Prior knowledge of auditing and of the management system standards is expected.

Entrance requirements

Good knowledge of ISM Code, ISPS Code and the ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006

Who should attend:
Shipping Companies: Designated Persons (ashore), Company Security Officers, Quality Managers, Superintendents, Nautical Officers, Engineers

Duration: 2 half days (8 hours)

Effective implementation and verification of a (safety) management system requires periodical internal audits. What happens when we are unable to visit the vessels or when the risk is too high? Such is often the case now with the COVID-19 crisis.

Our course provides you with the knowledge and expertise necessary to plan and conduct combined audits while the customary lead auditor is unable to visit the ship. Within the scope of regulations and accepted audit principles and guidelines, this course will present methodologies for conducting effective audits with alternative means. Remote verification principles and methods for implementation of both formal and informal audit procedures will be examined and applied.

Participants will receive a sound understanding of alternative and/or remote auditing techniques and processes as well as management of an internal auditing program. They will also gain an appreciation for the role and importance of internal auditing programs within the maritime industry as related to Safety and Quality Management systems and learn about the requirements laid down in the ISO 19011 standard related to the performance of the internal audits and verifications in an integrated management system. 

The course focuses on:

  • ISM/ISPS/MLC/ISO auditing requirements
  • Planning the audit
  • Use of information available ashore
  • Involving officers as audit team
  • Choosing "samples" and auditees
  • Notifications and communications
  • Verification through records review
  • Verification through interviews
  • Verification through VDR
  • Verification through pictures and videos
  • Verification through records
  • Recording, reporting and follow-up of audits


To train participants on the techniques and tools for conducting remote management system internal audits of vessels in accordance with accepted auditing principles. Prior knowledge of auditing and of the management system standards is expected.

Entrance requirements

Good knowledge of ISM Code, ISPS Code and the ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006

Who should attend:
Shipping Companies: Designated Persons (ashore), Company Security Officers, Quality Managers, Superintendents, Nautical Officers, Engineers

Duration: 2 half days (8 hours)

Effective implementation and verification of a (safety) management system requires periodical internal audits. What happens when we are unable to visit the vessels or when the risk is too high? Such is often the case now with the COVID-19 crisis.

Our course provides you with the knowledge and expertise necessary to plan and conduct combined audits while the customary lead auditor is unable to visit the ship. Within the scope of regulations and accepted audit principles and guidelines, this course will present methodologies for conducting effective audits with alternative means. Remote verification principles and methods for implementation of both formal and informal audit procedures will be examined and applied.

Participants will receive a sound understanding of alternative and/or remote auditing techniques and processes as well as management of an internal auditing program. They will also gain an appreciation for the role and importance of internal auditing programs within the maritime industry as related to Safety and Quality Management systems and learn about the requirements laid down in the ISO 19011 standard related to the performance of the internal audits and verifications in an integrated management system. 

The course focuses on:

  • ISM/ISPS/MLC/ISO auditing requirements
  • Planning the audit
  • Use of information available ashore
  • Involving officers as audit team
  • Choosing "samples" and auditees
  • Notifications and communications
  • Verification through records review
  • Verification through interviews
  • Verification through VDR
  • Verification through pictures and videos
  • Verification through records
  • Recording, reporting and follow-up of audits

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