Workshop on Preventing Blackouts through Power Failure Analysis
DNV approach to minimize the risk.
Due to the large number of changes in the energy supply with the energy transition, interruptions or disturbances in the power supply can no longer be excluded. For companies from industry, commerce and public utilities, the risks and problems can be quite different and cannot be neglected. Whenever a failure, disturbance or blackout of the energy network occurs, it is crucial to determine the root cause and extract learnings from the event to enable minimizing the risk of reoccurrence. This workshop is about how to investigate such events, how to learn from them and how to prevent blackout from occurring. Furthermore, the network recovery after a blackout will get its attention. And various cases will be presented to demonstrate the learning is practice.
Key topics:
- Objectives and challenges of power failure investigations
- Investigation approach for power failure investigations
- Simulation of power systems as part of power failure analysis
- Physical and remote site inspections for power failure investigations
- Do's and don'ts of network recovery after black out
- Power failure linked to defective design
- Measurements and testing related to failure investigations
- Case studies
Practical questions:
- Possibility of disturbances
- Impact on your business
- Prevention and remedial action
- Potential for improvement
During this workshop, DNV offers you the opportunity to discuss these questions with other consumers, manufacturers and utilities. The speakers are highly recognized experts on power systems, blackouts and failure investigations with extensive experience. This gives you the opportunity or a guideline to what extent your supply network meets the current requirements of an energy security.
Target Audience:
- Asset managers
- Power system planners
- Engineering experts
- Asset performance engineers
at - Transmission and distribution system operators
- Industrial companies
- Municipal utilities
- Power supply utilities
engaged in the design, construction, maintenance, or operation of electrical networks.
Peter van der Wielen, Gunter Lichtenberger, Lucas Finati Thomée and Huub Pustjens
Peter van der Wielen is Business Director Power Failure Investigations at
DNV – Energy Systems. Furthermore, he is Professor Reliability Grid Components at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He is an IPMA-C qualified project manager, has a MSc and PhD degree in Power Engineering with relevant experience since 2000. He is involved with: (underground and submarine) power cables, testing & diagnostics, grid component reliability, remaining life estimations, failure and system black-out investigations, maintenance methodologies and asset management. As professor at the Electrical Energy Systems group of the Eindhoven University of Technology, he initiates, coordinates and performs research and teaches students on subjects related to grid component reliability. Furthermore, he lectures various DNV training courses on these subjects, is (co)author of over 100 scientific publications and is active in various (inter)national committees.
Gunter Lichtenberger is Business Manager Industrial Plants and Critical Infrastructures at DNV – Energy Systems and Senior Principal Engineer of the power systems consulting section at DNV. As an engineer his activities include studies and analyses of power networks. He has a special knowledge of and vast experience in:
• Power electronics in transmission and distribution networks and planning of power electronic equipment for power quality improvement; Simulation of electronic systems’ behavior in case of sudden load changes
• Stability calculations; simulation of transient system behavior in case of electrical disturbances; Network configuration and protection design
• System solutions for industrial green field projects; design and expansion planning for industrial distribution networks
• Insulation coordination calculations
• Verification of the technical connection conditions of electricity generation at the point of common coupling
• Power failure investigation to network and equipment
Moreover, Gunter Lichtenberger leads training for planning, design and protection concepts of industrial and critical infrastructures networks at the DNV Energy Academy, Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Lucas Thomée is a Senior electrical engineer with a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering received from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. He joined DNV and the Power System Analysis department as a power systems engineer in 2018. Since 2020 he is the Team Leader for the Power System Analysis Nordics team. Lucas Thomée is leading power system projects and works with modelling, load flow, short circuit, arc flash and dynamic simulation studies and analysis in PSS®E, PowerFactory and ETAP. The projects are primarily related to grid connection and grid code compliance of renewable resources and storage for customers all over the world. He has also been working with numerous technical due diligence projects for onshore wind farms, solar and battery storage project with focus on electrical works and grid connection in the Nordics.
Huub Pustjens is a DNV Principal Consultant and project manager with
extensive experience in the field of power system network studies and consultancy services for TSO’s, DSO’s, industrial clients and RES developers. He uses his knowledge and experience with network stability- and power quality studies to advise clients about possible bottlenecks in their networks and suitable mitigation strategies. He has significant experience in witnessing and assessing black start- and robustness site tests of conventional power plants and he is heavily involved in wind park and solar park compliance verification testing in accordance with European requirements. In close cooperation with his project team he developed a transient network simulation model for future high voltage network restoration methodologies. Based on results of this transient model a ‘soft-energisation’ method was developed and live tested to simultaneously energise 220 kV transmission overhead lines, cables and a total of 2000 MVA unloaded transformers by use of a 50 MVA gas turbine.
Please contact us for more information.