Offshore wind farms are being built further from the coast and in deeper waters to achieve a steadier and stronger wind resource

Engineers are facing great challenges to ensure successful numerical modelling and analysis.

Sesam and Bladed

Software for supporting the development of floating offshore wind turbine foundations

The combination of Sesam and Bladed software allows you to overcome this difficulty by providing users with a reliable and efficient tailor-made solution for floating wind turbine design. Complete floating wind turbine systems can be simulated in one model, including blades, nacelle, tower, floater, cable and mooring system.

Find out more about how to model and analyse floating wind turbines with Sesam and Bladed.

Great for:

  • Hydrodynamic analysis
  • Coupled analysis
  • Structural strength analysis
  • Fatigue analysis (FLS)
  • Strength analysis (ULS)
  • Conceptual, FEED and detailed structural design

How can we help you with Floating Offshore Foundations?

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