Design your topside on a fixed or floating asset
Sesam is a world-renowned structural engineering software tool for structural design analysis of offshore and maritime structures. Sesam software for topsides provides quick and efficient structural design analysis of steel topside structures. With Sesam software for topsides, the structural design analysis of steel topside structures is fast and efficient. Modelling, load definitions, structural analysis, post-processing and code-checking based on major offshore design standards are performed in the same graphical user environment.
Optimizing the engineering design cycle
- The Sesam software for topsides covers the analysis of topsides, flare-boom and module – from global beam models to detailed plate/beam models, to refined connections including curved shells
- The concept modelling technique allows for frequent and significant changes in the design layout or load scenarios without re-modelling – just insert or remove before a one-click operation, creating a revised code-check report based on a new structural analysis
- The relevant loads are from structural and equipment weight, wind loads, temperature, accelerations and applied loads like point mass and point/line/surface loads
- Linear structural, eigenvalue, tension/compression only, linear buckling and P-delta analyses may be performed – all based on the Finite Element methodology
- The offshore code-check standards API/AISC, ISO/Eurocode, NORSOK/Eurocode are supported – the reporting may be graphical or tabular
- The same model is used from the initial to the final design and through all lifetime modifications – less error-prone, as there is no need for multiple model files
- The same model and workspace cover multiple design stages, such as transportation, installation and in-place – this saves modelling, analysis and reporting time
- Sesam is an interoperable tool that can re-use data from CAD or other legacy FE systems – existing data can be the starting point of a Sesam analysis
Key benefits of Sesam software for topsides
- Complete solution: Sesam software for topsides covers the structural analysis needed during the construction, transportation, installation and in-place phases of topside, flare-boom and module
- Easy to learn: an intuitive and consistent user interface that integrates graphical modelling, analysis, code-checking, post-processing, re-design and reporting
- Continuous market-driven development: Sesam is renowned for development based on input from market customers
- For single projects: short-term lease options (7 days, 30 days, and 90 days) are available for online purchase through our digital sales marketplace, Veracity. Buy with a credit card to receive immediate access
- For frequent use: Invoiced long-term license options are also available. Discuss your requirements with your Regional Sales Manager discover the perfect solution for you
- Get the most out of your license: software training on-demand, delivered 100% online
- 24-hour support services from experienced support staff across the globe
- Take advantage of our unique expertise: Sesam software for topside is supported by DNV’s extensive experience in the offshore and maritime industry
Sesam for topsides |
Sesam for topsidesSesam Manager – Manage the workflow
Sesam for topsidesGeniE – Conceptual modelling, code-checking of beams and plates
Sesam for topsidesSestra – Solver for linear statics and dynamics