In an era of uncertainty, incident investigation services provide a vital source of reassurance. Accidents and incidents can have far-reaching consequences on human life, the environment, and facility operations, emphasising the need for thorough investigation. By adopting a proactive approach to incident investigation, the probability of accidents can be significantly reduced, fostering a safer work environment, and enhancing operational efficiency.

Accident and incident investigation, when implemented effectively, serves as a preventive mechanism, mitigating risks before they escalate into substantial hazards. However, to realise the full potential of such investigations, organisations must prioritise accuracy, detail, and a commitment to implementing the lessons learned.

Leveraging Phast™ for effective incident investigations and preventive strategy development

DNV's Phast software is a vital tool for incident investigation. It is used by safety professionals to evaluate the release of hazardous materials and assess their potential impact. This valuable information facilitates the identification of root causes of incidents and enables the development of effective preventive measures for future incidents. 

With Phast, users can input key incident details, such as release characteristics, facility layout, and meteorological factors, to accurately model and visualise the dispersion of released substance. Phast offers a wide range of equipment and scenario options, allowing users to simulate various incidents, whether it is a leak from a long pipeline or a catastrophic pressure vessel rupture. The advanced capabilities of Phast ensure comprehensive modelling for different scenarios.

The software generates reliable predictions of the release behaviour, allowing safety professionals to assess the potential consequences, draw conclusions from the simulation results, develop strategies to prevent similar future incidents and make informed decisions regarding mitigation strategies, emergency response plans, and overall safety measures.

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Safety professionals can further enhance their understanding of the incident by visualising the impact of the release to the three-dimensional surroundings, such as obstructions, along with wind direction and speed. Phast, including its powerful Phast CFD pool fire and jet fire extensions*, can help with this. 

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Phast serves as an invaluable tool for aiding accident and incident management within organisations. Its predictive and analytical capabilities provide insights into the possible outcomes of an incident, which subsequently facilitates the pinpointing of root causes. Furthermore, it assists in developing efficient strategies to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

*Phast CFD – pool fires / Phast CFD – jet fires extensions required. Click here for more details.

Explore our software solution:



Control your hazards by modelling discharge, dispersion, fires, explosions and toxic effects.

Discover other applications of our software:


Hydrogen consequence and risk modelling

Guidance on modelling hydrogen releases using Phast and Safeti software.


CO2 consequence and risk modelling

Guidance on modelling carbon dioxide (CO2) releases using using Phast and Safeti software.


Consequence estimation

Perform comprehensive consequence analysis and visualization for safety studies such as HAZOP, HAZID, PHA, and LOPA using the Phast software.


Emergency response

Simulate consequences from loss of containment scenarios to aid in the development of effective emergency response plans using the Phast software.


Regulatory compliance

Evaluate and manage consequence and risks associated with hazardous materials and operations for regulatory compliance using the Phast and Safeti software.


Facility citing & occupied buildings risk assessments

Support operators in conducting Occupied Buildings Risk Assessments (OBRA) for major hazard installations using the Safeti software.

What can Phast software do for your company?

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