With a unique blend of domain expertise, our vast experience our analysts and consultants help you harness the full potential of your pipelines.
Our value added services enable customers to obtain business benefits from large and diverse datasets by applying advanced analytical techniques. We provide advice and develop tools to improve and support business processes and decisions, both for short-term operations and for longer term planning and investment decisions. Our software capability allows us to deliver a range of tools from spreadsheet models to enterprise systems or as a cloud-based solution.
Configuration and implementation services
- Implement Real-time modelling: Experienced real-time modeling engineers work with you to configure the real-time model of your pipeline and tune it against SCADA and deploy it together with you through Factory & Solution Acceptance Testing & Training. The RTTM will continually model the full state of the pipeline to provide information to operators as well as a starting point for “Predictor” (look-ahead) model runs.
- Implement leak detection for gas and liquid systems: Turn-key delivery of real-time model(s) of your system configured for leak detection. Configuration includes a focus on tuning the system so that it balances the competing aims of minimizing false alarms (even during transients like equipment start/stops) with the best possible system accuracy/sensitivity.
- Implement control room trainer models: DNV engineers work up-front with control room staff to define an initial set of scenarios that will be provided in the project. Models of the system are built, and tags are mapped to a test-version of SCADA so that operators can interact with the hydraulic model through SCADA and feel like they are working on the actual system thanks to the simulator’s ability to hydraulically model the actual dynamics of a transient network. The system is delivered with documentation and training that allows you to add scenarios and expand the system as needed to meet the ever-changing needs of control room training.
- Build offline models: Support the construction of offline models. Experienced staff create models from data you provide.
Consulting services
- Surge studies: Build models and perform surge studies – providing a report of the analysis in findings to support your engineering designs to minimize transient pressures and to mitigate the consequences of surge events.
- Leak studies: Perform studies of leak detection models to determine their theoretical sensitivity.
- Hydrogen transition and decarbonization impact studies: Support the configuration of models and perform modeling related to decarbonization studies. From configuring models to have higher percentage of hydrogen in natural gas stream to modeling CO2 pipelines, we provide a range of analysis and consulting with the Synergi Pipeline Simulator (or Synergi Gas) products that are already designed to support variations in the compositions of fluids modeled.
- Demand forecasting and peak demand analysis: Study demand patterns and configure forecasting tools to support look-ahead forecasts at different horizons. Support look-ahead predictive modeling for real-time systems by providing forecasts for the upcoming day. Predict the peak day demand of a system to support design studies.
- Bid management
- Custom applications: Construct custom solutions around our products based upon collaborative interaction with you to meet your unique business/technical goals. These solutions can involve one or more DNV products (Synergi Pipeline Simulator, Synergi Gas, etc.) deployed alongside of bespoke tools that produce the results you desire. The sky is the limit!
- Support Energy Transition studies
- Customized training: Need some additional training beyond our standard product training? Let us know. Our consulting group stands ready to provide training on key modules (like Trainer and Real-Time) and customized training to meet your specific needs.