The most trusted state-of-the-art aeroelastic tool for loads, control and stability assessment
Industry leading wind turbine loads analysis
Bladed is the most trusted wind turbine design tool – it was used to design 70% of turbines installed in 2023. Bladed enables wind turbine design with:
- State of the art aerodynamic, multibody dynamics and control system modelling
- Accurate evaluation of structural loads, motions and electrical power output
- Functionality to cover wind turbine design standards such as IEC 61400-1
- Post-processing routines to evaluate fatigue and ultimate loading
Learn more in our Engineering feature summary PDF and online documentation
Design controllers and ensure turbine stability
Wind turbines are flexible structures that can exhibit large motions of lightly damped vibration modes. Bladed can be used to assess aeroelastic stability, and design controllers to reduce the loads and ensure stable operation, while maximising power output.
With Bladed you can:
- Check for clashes between rotational and natural frequencies in a Campbell diagram
- Identify lightly damped aeroelastic modes, to inform design or controller changes
- Create a linear state space model of the turbine for linear controller design
- Model advanced control features such as LIDAR
Did you know? Our consultancy team's controller is trusted by OEMs worldwide in real turbines. We offer extensive support for turbine and controller design services.
Reduce uncertainty with advanced aerodynamic models
Modern wind turbines continue to increase in size, challenging the blade element momentum (BEM) aerodynamic models that the industry has relied on for decades.
Bladed has state of the art aerodynamic models based on trusted industry methods. Two cutting edge features ensure that Bladed stands out from the crowd:
- The IAG dynamic stall model brings new understanding to aerofoils operating in deep stall, to help predict wind turbine standstill vibration in extreme conditions
- A high-fidelity free vortex wake method that models the wake explicitly to remove engineering assumptions, reducing predicted fatigue loads by around 10% compared to traditional BEM methods
Protect your intellectual property
Turbine design parameters such as blade properties are highly sensitive intellectual property. Bladed can encrypt your data before sharing models with project partners.
Bladed's encryption technology is powered by Thales technology and is trusted by the global wind turbine supply chain.
Extend Bladed with your own models
Build on Bladed’s modelling capabilities by coupling your own loading and sub-system models to Bladed, using runtime DLL interfaces.
The possibilities are endless, but a few real examples
- Implement a custom gearbox backlash model to enhance evaluation of pitch actuator response
- Couple Bladed’s system model to a drivetrain simulation package to evaluate the interaction between turbine and drivetrain vibrations
- Apply advanced breaking wave loads calculated with CFD to the Bladed system model
What can Bladed do for your company?
We are happy to assist.