Platform for seamless collaboration
The integration of asset analytics applications and reuse of data between different types of analyses provides the foundation of more collaborative, effective and innovative way of working with models in real time. The digital asset ecosystem, a platform for seamless collaboration, delivers services and results digitally.
Data smart
The digital asset ecosystem is a network of interconnecting and interacting data, software and hardware relating to system or assets (pipelines, structures, processing plants, ships and electric grids). As a data custodian, the ecosystem collects, cleans, aligns and quality assures data. The data can be from many sources, e.g. from conventional sources such as asset databases, structural analyses, inspection and environmental data, as well as from connected equipment and sensors (the Internet of Things), in addition to unstructured data sources, including social and news media streams, email, reports and documents.
More information

Digital twin
Data smart asset solutions

How does it work?
An illustration of the digital asset ecosystem

View the capabilities
Ecosystems for pipelines, structures, plants, ships and electric grid

From cave paintings to analytics - how data is shaping our future
Is data a 'natural resource' that we are learning how to exploit?

Forget life on Mars. Will the cloud change our lives on Earth?
'You promised me Mars colonies. Instead, I got Facebook'

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