Recent enhancements in Sesam for floating and fixed OWT

Learn how you can apply the latest features in Sesam

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For floating offshore wind, better integration between the coupled analysis in Bladed/Sima with the hydrodynamic and structural analysis in Sesam will streamline the workflow. 

For fixed offshore wind, besides performance improvements, improved coverage of the standards will automate ULS and FLS post-processing even further, while further integration with Sesam Insight will make sharing of and collaboration on results even easier.


  • Recent enhancements for floating offshore wind 
  • Recent enhancement for fixed offshore wind 
  • Demonstration of new functionalities for fixed offshore wind 
  • Sneak preview: upcoming features
  • Q&A

About the speaker

Laurens Alblas has been working in DNV at Høvik, Norway, since 2012 and has a background in aerospace engineering and wind energy. He is responsible for the Sesam software for strength assessment of offshore wind structures, and further improving and optimizing the way strength assessment software is being used in the offshore wind industry. Laurens has been providing technical support and delivering user courses for fixed offshore structures, specializing in offshore wind structures in particular.