Top 5 reasons for upgrading to the latest version of Phast™ / Safeti

Major improvements since Phast 6.7 and why it’s time to upgrade

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Since the release of version 6.7 of Phast and Phast Risk (now Safeti) in 2011 there have been a number of new releases, the most recent being version 8.22 in July 2019.

These releases include:

  • a new, flexible user interface, improved user experience and workflow
  • improvements to modelling capability such as dispersion calculations for short duration releases, buried pipeline modelling and impact of isolation and blowdown on discharges
  • additional output such as risk effect contours (useful for DALs, design accidental loads), consequence data in tabular format and 3D results

We discuss the improvements and new features introduced in the releases since version 6.7. A study is upgraded from 6.7 to 8.22 to demonstrate the improvements, highlighting important considerations when upgrading.

By watching this webinar, you will learn:

  • about the benefits of upgrading to the latest version
  • about the major improvements and changes since version 6.7
  • key differences in user interface and in model setup
  • how to upgrade a study from version 6.7

Presenter: James Pickles, Phast and Safeti Product Owner.

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