Specification of passive fire protection using Phast™/Safeti and CFD

A practical example of solving an engineering problem

Operators of major accident hazard installations around the world apply passive fire protection (PFP) to their assets to prevent escalation of a fire. Some regions of the world are prescriptive in the requirements for PFP, others are less so. Further, some regions and companies prefer other methods of preventing escalation – for example, by isolation and blowdown.

In this webinar we will look at how we can use Phast/Safeti and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling to provide guidance to safety engineers and consultants on where PFP would provide benefit and its level of specification.

By watching this webinar video, you will learn:

  • How Phast and Safeti can be used to make safety related decisions on PFP
  • Criteria for deciding where to apply PFP
  • About the metrics Safeti produces that can be used for risk-based decision making 
  • Use of KFX for equipment specific PFP optimization


  • James Pickles, Phast and Safeti Product Owner, DNV
  • Rune Natten Kleiveland, CFD Product Manager/Principal Specialist, DNV