Utility experts on Cascade and APM

Four North American electric utilities give an account of their asset performance management journey with Cascade

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Transmission representatives from Idaho Power Co, SRP, Central Hudson Gas & Electric and Alectra Utilities provide insights on how Cascade is used in their utility and explore topics including:

  • Their views on the greatest industry challenges facing utilities 
  • From maintenance programs to forecasting and compliance - how they use Cascade in their utility 
  • What business problems Cascade solves for their organizations 
  • How Cascade fits into their Asset Performance Management strategies


  • Vince Polsoni, (former) Manager Station Sustainment, Alectra Utilities
  • Janis Harmon, Technical Advisor | Apparatus, Idaho Power Co
  • Kelly Miller, Supervisor, Substation Support Services, Salt river Project
  • Pano Harpolis, Manager, Operations Services, Central Hudson Gas & Electric