Measuring the effectiveness of utility maintenance programs

Running an effective maintenance program comes down to identifying the sweet spot between preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance that represents the most economic space to operate within.

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Transmission representatives from Exelon and Idaho Power, share how they measure the effectiveness of maintenance programs at their utility, what insights they have gained and how they work with maintenance engineers to drive changes to the programs. 

By viewing this webinar recording, you will learn more on:

  • Condition based maintenance (CBM) analysis 
  • Asset condition trending 
  • Transmission and substation (T&S) preventive maintenance program and benefits 
  • Maintenance challenges experienced 
  • Cascade Mx tips


  • Andrew C. Reindel, Manger | Protection & Control, T&S Engineering, PECO
  • Janis Harmon, Technical Advisor | Apparatus, Idaho Power Co