How to do hydrodynamic analysis with forward speed

Watch the complimentary webinar video and learn the basic aspects in hydrodynamic analysis for ships and offshore structures using Sesam software

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Hydrodynamic analysis is an integral part of the analysis of ships and offshore structures. For ships it is important to account for the effect of forward speed. An important effect of the forward speed is the change in the frequency due to the Doppler effect, but the presence of the speed will also give additional modifications of the results due to the coupling of the steady solution and the dynamic effects. These effects may also be important for offshore structures in strong currents.

With the current attention on minimizing CO2-emissions there has been a strong focus on added resistance. This is important for determining the minimum power needed to retain sufficient maneuvering speed in waves. This is a core topic in the webinar.

The webinar will provide you with an overview of some of the basic aspects to keep in mind when doing a hydrodynamic analysis with forward speed.

You will learn about:

  • Basic equations 
  • Numerical challenges 
  • When is forward speed important?
  • Linear and non-linear analysis
  • Added resistance

About the speaker:

Torgeir Vada has been working in DNV GL since 1985, when he achieved a PhD in Hydrodynamics from the University of Oslo. He has worked with Sesam since 1997, first as a developer and then in various line manager positions. He is currently Product Manager for Floating Structures.