Introduction to consequence modelling with Phast™ software

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Why consequence modelling? What are the key hazards types to consider? Watch our on demand video and learn about operational and practical applications of consequence modelling, and more.


  • Kenny Shaba: Phast and Safeti Product Manager with extensive experience in Technical Safety projects (especially QRA) for both onshore and offshore assets
  • Mark Hunter: Chartered Engineer in DNV’s Advisory business 11 years’ experience of safety related studies in the oil & gas sector

Learning objectives:

  • What is consequence modelling? 
  • Why consequence modelling? E.g. societal and regulatory drivers 
  • Key hazards types to consider (fires, explosions and toxic hazards) and how to evaluate their impact potential 
  • Operational and practical applications of consequence modelling 
  • Challenges to robust and rigorous consequence modelling 
  • Q&A
Read more about world’s leading process hazard analysis software Phast or request for demo today.