Wave and tidal project management

Helping your wave and tidal projects develop smoothly and on time through holistic and practical project management.

Effective project management ensures wave and tidal energy projects are delivered in budget and meet strict installation windows defined by tide conditions. But do you have the all the necessary skills and resources in-house?

By applying industry-wide expertise, DNV lifts the burden of project management off your shoulders. We take a holistic, detailed view of your project covering device development, site conditions and constraints, and environmental limitations. That begins by getting to know everything about your technology and site – including what you propose for the power generating device, the foundation and how it is keyed into the seabed.

Understanding your unique requirements
Armed with that knowledge, we perform independent calculations to confirm your figures, and carry out an accurate metocean study of the wind, wave and tidal environments at your sites. The study uses our industry-leading Tidal Bladed, WaveFarmer, TidalFarmer or WaveDyn simulation tools, as appropriate. 

Once we fully understand the uniqueness of your design, we look at the wakes and where you intend fabricating the equipment – drawing on our in-depth knowledge of manufacturing facilities and costs. We then review how you will transport and install the devices, paying particular attention to whether diver or ROV support is needed.

Seeing the broader picture, globally
We've accumulated extensive experience on marine projects all around the world. Our hands-on experts know the technology and, with their ‘boots on the ground’, they ensure everything goes smoothly. They understand the whole process – so can help you see the bigger picture.