Wave and tidal concept analysis

Discover the technical and economic potential of your wave or tidal power device, enabling peace of mind for all stakeholders.

As wave and tidal energy matures, new device types are constantly being developed. New concepts are appearing that could significantly impact the feasibility and cost of marine energy as a whole. But to secure funding for these concepts, a range of stakeholders need to have confidence in their potential.

Our Concept analysis service for wave and tidal power helps you discover the true potential of a design. The service draws on our vast experience in marine energy and design assessment – we have modelled more types of machine than anyone else in the industry. This expertise is combined with our industry-leading, bespoke software for wave and tidal energy convertors which has been extensively validated on a wide range of device types.

Performance assessment
At the earliest stage of development, you need to assess the technical and economic potential of your concept: will it work and will it be cost effective. We can help you:

  • Estimate power output and energy yield
  • Understand your device’s behaviour

Technology roadmap
Once you have identified a promising concept, how do you get it commercialized? What specific design challenges face you and how do you solve them? Here we support you by creating:

  • Timelines for R&D activities and studies, including dates for reaching key milestones
  • Plans for moving through the various technology readiness levels

Economic assessment
Throughout development it is vital to monitor the economic viability of the concept to ensure it is on track. By taking a broader view, we can help you identify costs that may not have been previously considered and spot opportunities for cost reduction.

The assessment includes:

  • Evaluating all cost of energy factors related to your device
  • Calculating projected energy yields and financial returns from the device
  • Determining the device’s overall economic viability