Waterfront decarbonization

Tackling waterfront decarbonization provides environmental and economic benefits for stakeholders from utilities to governments, to neighboring businesses and residents.

The decarbonization of waterfront activities offers electric utilities, ports, government agencies, and private companies many gains while creating significant economic and environmental benefits for customers and constituents. The gains may include:

  • Meet local or regional decarbonization goals
  • Advance organizational objectives
  • Improve ESG reporting metrics
  • Advance environmental justice and equity
  • Improve attractiveness for shareholders, tenants, and users
  • Upgrade aging infrastructure
  • Modernize electric grids

The technological pathways to waterfront decarbonization – such as the use of grid power for large vessels at berth, electrification of cargo handling and vehicles, and evaluating hydrogen fueling infrastructure and potential implementation pathways – are complex strategies requiring cooperation among many parties. DNV’s expertise in the energy and maritime sectors can help ports, industries, utilities, and governments communicate across organizations to plan, prioritize, and streamline the execution of waterfront decarbonization projects that provide benefits to all stakeholders. Our team will also help identify and secure public and private capital, enabling economically viable execution and implementation.

Do you need more information?

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