Verification of voltage and frequency control systems

In accordance with the requirements and procedures of TERNA A15 - A18

In accordance with the requirements of the National Grid Code (Annexes 15 and 18), to be able to manage the national electricity system safely, and to guarantee an adequate service quality level, TERNA periodically requests each power production units enabled to ancillary services and to the dispatching market (MSD) with a power exceeding 10 MVA, to certify the functionalities and performance of the frequency and voltage regulation systems installed in the control unit.

The role of DNV
DNV, has developed a complete service portfolio for checking the functionality of the frequency, frequency/power and voltage control systems used in the power production units. To this end, we have an Italian  a team of qualified engineers able to respond to customer requirements in a short time: flexibility competence and time optimization are the characteristics that distinguish the verification services offered by DNV.

The verification and compliance process of the voltage and frequency control units
DNV performs the compliance verification services of the voltage and frequency control units of the power production units, fully complying the requirements outlined by TERNA. There are four main phases in the verification programme:

  1. Preparation
    In this first phase, DNV requires sending the specific documentation related to the production, control and measurement systems installed in the plant.
  2. Verification of documents
    The documentation provided is studied and analysed by DNV.
  3. On-site inspection
    Two or more DNV engineers visit the plant to assure the consistency of the data provided by the plant owner and to perform adjustment tests required by the network code. DNV measures and records all the information necessary to verify the compliance and the performance of the plant.
  4. Reporting
    At the end of the inspection, DNV issues a verification report that is delivered in a electronic format to the customer.
  Verifica dei sistemi regolazione di frequenza e tensione delle unità produttive

Verifica dei sistemi regolazione di frequenza e tensione delle unità produttive

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  Servizio di Verifica UVRP

Servizio di Verifica UVRP

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  Servizio di Certificazione UPDC

Servizio di Certificazione UPDC

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