Verification of submarine pipelines

A risk-based, transparent approach

The integrity of pipeline systems is essential for the safety of people and the environment and the security of energy supply. Project overruns can increase CAPEX spending, and slips during design and fabrication may cause reduced uptime or polluting incidents in the operational phase. 

Submarine pipelines connect offshore wells to platforms, floaters and shore facilities, and are vital for regional energy transport.  

Verification by an independent third party is crucial for assuring the integrity of pipeline systems, especially as global demand takes the search for hydrocarbons into challenging environments and vulnerable areas. 

DNV has been involved in field development projects and large trunkline projects around the world. Our risk-based verification approach ensures a clear and transparent way of working that ensures high risk areas of the pipeline system receive the correct level of focus throughout early phases, design, fabrication and installation.  

Based on our experience over the last decades, and in close co-operation with the industry, we have established and refined DNV-ST-F101 Submarine pipeline systems, and associated Recommended Practices, as world-leading standards for submarine pipelines. Our suite of Offshore and Onshore Service Specifications for Risk Based Verification detail the level of involvement required by DNV as your trusted independent verifier.  

Our cost-effective, tailored service recognizes existing assurance measures and puts appropriate focus on higher risk areas, and our wide experience of geographical locations and regulatory regimes allows us to adapt the process to local and company requirements. With established verification hubs in key oil and gas locations, DNV provides a consistent level of service around the world. 

What you get:

  • Global learnings and best practices
  • A clear, transparent and robust verification process
  • Cost-effective, efficient execution of the verification
  • Well-documented learning points to inform other projects
  • Recognized by authorities and stakeholders worldwide
  • Global support.