Verification of offshore and onshore LNG facilities

An independent, risk-based process

As the global demand for natural gasMore info about remote survey increases, challenging environments bring an increase in technical complexity.

Gas, including LNG, projects currently in development range from large floating offshore structures to unconventional onshore gas reserves. These projects have varying levels of technical novelty and require a robust assurance process.

Independent verification is used to identify errors, failures, or non-compliance to agreed performance requirements, and to help reduce risks to people, the environment, energy supply, and the operation of the facility.

DNV uses its wealth of experience in LNG and gas verification to offer a robust process that takes account of the project’s own level of assurance needs and puts the pertinent focus on elements defined as higher risk.

Location is a key determinant: having worked across multiple geographical locations and regulatory regimes we understand both goal-setting and prescriptive approaches to verification.

In view of the typical complexity of gas facilities, we strongly recommend that verification levels are based on the results of risk assessments. We have pooled our gas and LNG expertise into a suite of Offshore and Onshore Service Specifications for Risk-Based Verification that detail the level of our involvement in each situation. This globally-recognized framework is especially useful in areas with less developed regulatory regime.

As your trusted independent verifier, DNV has hubs at key oil and gas locations in the world, providing the same level of service wherever you are working.

What you get:

  • Risk-based approach
  • Clear and transparent process
  • Appropriate focus on high-risk areas
  • Available throughout design, build, start-up and operations
  • Verification plans to match specific regulatory requirements
  • Learning and best practices from around the world
  • Cost-effective, efficient execution
  • Globally recognized by authorities and stakeholders
  • Global support network.