Verification of fixed offshore structures

From FEED to decommissioning

More info about remote surveyDNV's independent verification service ensures confidence in the compliance, safety and structural integrity of new and ageing structures. 

The ageing of the world’s fixed offshore structures and the desire to extend their service life calls for an advanced and cost-effective approach to verification, including probabilistic methods for planning inspection for fatigue cracks. The risk of subsidence and wave-in-deck scenarios also demands sophisticated non-linear analyses of older platforms. 

DNV verification can cover the entire life cycle of an offshore structure, including design tasks such as document review, independent analysis, and peer review workshops, and onshore and offshore survey during fabrication, installation, hook-up and commissioning, operation and decommissioning. 

The service covers typical fixed offshore sub-structures such as jackets, gravity base structures, towers, and mono-piles, and topside structures including entire main topside structures, modules, bridges, flares and helidecks. 

DNV is accepted worldwide as an independent and authoritative verification provider. We work closely with the industry to drive technical progress, through development of recommended practices and standards, research and development, and joint industry projects (JIPs). 

We can provide detailed examples to help you define a work scope for all phases of a structure's life-cycle. OPEX synergy can be gained by using our service for structural integrity management from front-end design, right through to the in-service phase. 

This service offers:

  • Verification hubs at key oil and gas locations
  • Verification to customer specifications, shelf regulatory requirements, and national/international design standards
  • Flexibility, transparency and completeness
  • Best practice based on a global database of similar designs
  • Standardized processes and tools
  • Full life-cycle approach
  • Development support for new concepts and technologies
  • Manufacturing survey during fabrication
  • Offshore survey during installation, hook-up and commissioning, and operation
  • Structural integrity management and platform lifetime extension.