Vendor inspection

Getting the best results from your manufacturing partners

More info about remote surveyEnsuring consistent quality demands specialist inspection, monitoring and testing.

DNV vendor inspection and surveillance assures compliance and monitors manufacturing processes, while our expediting services help you meet overall project timelines and budgets.

We operate a global operating model supported by cloud-based technology platforms. With specialists available from regional centres around the world, we provide inspection and surveillance on the ground, when and where you need it.

Our experienced and competent quality assurance inspectors can oversee:

  • Manufacturing processes
  • Inspection and/or testing of materials
  • Compliance with company, contractual and regulatory requirements.

We use our customized inspection-reporting coordination assistance programme (CAP) software to monitor clients' projects, with particular emphasis on tracking and reporting our inspection activities. This provides a fast turnaround time for project information, audits, and reports.

What you get:

  • Skilled and competent inspectors
  • Vendor site visits
  • Mill surveillance
  • Quality engineering
  • Effective reporting, production schedule, and criticality ratings
  • Identification of special test and inspection procedures
  • Traceability of materials
  • Access to DNV technical advisory services
  • Qualification of personnel
  • Logistics management: desk and field expediting
  • Quality assurance and audits
  • Manufacturer´s capability certification (MCC)
  • Early detection of deviations from standard specifications
  • Monitoring of compliance with standards and procedures
  • Accurate and timely reporting
  • ISO 9001:2008 or API Q1, 8th edition, ISO 18000, ISO 24000.