Transmission solutions and opportunity development

Helping operators and service providers solve issues and expand transmission systems in a fast-changing environment

Operating a power transmission system today means keeping pace with evolving mandatory requirements and ever-growing demand. And, with the rapid rise of renewable energy, you may be facing new challenges of how to deliver the power generated from renewables to load centers.

In this changing business and technical environment, how do you ensure your system is robust and has sufficient capacity? How do you limit the risk of generation curtailment or congestion? And how do you identify potential for expansion and successfully extend your system footprint if the opportunity exists?

Solving your transmission issues
DNV’s provides the technical expertise to help you answer these questions – whether you are seeking to improve an existing system or looking to develop greenfield transmission projects.

Our experts are on hand to help you ensure your system has the reliability to meet increasing demand and loads. With a detailed understanding of system constraints and Independent System Operators (ISOs) requirements, we can also guide you through the complexities of technical compliance. And we can help you derive the economic benefits from increased production cost savings.

Our technical experts provide you with an analysis of current transmission issues and detailed recommendations for optimal, long-term solutions. Analyses cover:

  • Steady state power flow
  • Short circuit analysis
  • Dynamic stability analysis
  • Economic analysis to justify transmission projects

You will receive presentations outlining the study’s progress, as well as comprehensive reports detailing study assumptions, methodology, results, observations and recommendations. We can also provide technical support in submitting reports for approval.

Proven solution and opportunity development expertise
Our teams have extensive experience of transmission systems. We have supported many private and municipal utilities to develop transmission solutions. And our experts have solved numerous transmission issues in ERCOT and other ISO markets in North America.