Transmission opportunity identification and development

Helping you navigate every stage of transmission planning, from conceptual design to the competitive bidding process

The Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) Order 1000 has led to the restructuring of transmission planning practices in North America. This in turn offers non-incumbent transmission companies more opportunities to acquire and build projects. By participating in the planning process with Regional Transmission Organisations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs), companies interested in developing transmission projects can open up new avenues for business. But to take full advantage, you need top-to-bottom knowledge of the transmission planning business. In other markets master planning or so-called ten-year-development-planning TYNP activities are provided.

Navigating the transmission planning process
Our Transmission Opportunity Identification and Development service gives you access to that knowledge. Working closely with you, we guide you through the transmission planning process – from conceptual design to competitive bidding processes – helping you identify solutions to transmission issues.

Extra project support
After scanning the system for potential reliability or economic needs, our transmission experts help you develop cost-effective solutions to meet those needs. We also provide support on submitting data and results to the requesting company, and throughout the transmission owner selection processes. Projects can be evaluated for steady-state, dynamics, short-circuit or economic benefits, or any combination of these.

Through this service, you receive comprehensive list of potential transmission projects that meet your requirements and are eligible for competitive bidding based on RTO / ISO policies or other regulations .

Unique tools
With DNV as your partner, you also gain access to the latest and most powerful tools to support you throughout the planning process. Simulations using advanced software (such as PSS/e, PowerWorld, Promod, etc.) help ensure you arrive at the best solutions. Moreover, our proprietary transmission planning tools allow large numbers of solutions to be screened quickly and efficiently. We also offer tools to replicate the benefit calculations performed at the major RTOs/ISOs.

Get the best results
An innovator in this space, we have been providing transmission solutions for clients for many years – and have recently been involved in all major RTO / ISO FERC Order 1000 transmission and other master planning processes. With a proven background of successfully secured projects, you can rely on our experience and unique tools to deliver the best results.

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