Transmission interconnection management and planning

Site-specific and wide-area transmission and generation interconnection studies for renewable and non-renewable electricity grid project development

Determining accurate economics builds stakeholder confidence in new power projects. However, it requires a thorough understanding of the methods and timelines of the relevant independent system operators (ISOs ) and utilities. Helping developers and independent power producers (IPPs) gain that understanding while freeing up their internal resources, DNV offers impartial development support throughout the project, from initial evaluation to final build up.

Independent project analysis
You can rely on us for cost-effective and qualitative analysis for all your generation and transmission interconnection projects. Our comprehensive service covers a wide array of disciplines, allowing us to support you in many ways such as:

  • Generation process understanding
  • Interconnection application filing
  • Interconnection study for understanding transmission congestion for future project interconnection
  • Interconnection sites with minimum upgrades and more economic viability
  • Liaison with the utility and ISO to guide you through the process service In short, we help you understand the entire interconnection process better.

Technical documentation
We prepare project specific technical documents for interconnection applications including:

  • Application
  • Project one liner
  • Project collection system development

Global one-stop-shop
With DNV as your partner, you can call on over 100 years of global experience. Our wide variety of services provides you with a one-stop shop, helping you achieve all your objectives. Our experience and expertise help you understand the ISO / utility transmission system and congestion. This allows you to make informed business and economic decisions on project development for both renewables and non-renewables.

  Power System Planning

Power System Planning

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  SCADA Lifecycle Management

SCADA Lifecycle Management

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Finding the right transmission solution for Houston

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What effect will new technologies and renewable integration have on the future transmission network?

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SCADA Systems

Optimizing strategic assets for today’s utility business environment