Terrain and obstacle online site evaluations for power performance

When developing a wind project, one of the first steps in project design is the siting of met masts and remote sensing devices. Careful siting of these devices can save hundreds of thousands of dollars on testing costs, as well as reduce the impact of testing on critical construction schedules. Test siting, including the selection of these devices, can be a very iterative process and pain point for project developers, as each iteration costs them time and money.

DNV’s online self-service platform, TOPO, solves this problem by allowing users to perform site evaluations themselves, and run through each iteration using our well-vetted algorithms. As the project design evolves, TOPO allows users to create and update project results in real time. Unlike most tools, TOPO features a Met Optimizer, which iterates through hundreds or thousands of possible met mast and remote sensing positions on a project, giving users an array of siting choices.


  • Easy-to-use web interface
  • Terrain and obstacle calculations per 61400-12-1 Editions 1 and 2
  • Option to download terrain data directly from publicly available sources – eliminating upload time for large terrain files
  • Nacelle LIDAR test site evaluations per IEC 50-3 CD May 2019
  • Accepts wide range of layout and terrain input files, when user wants to use their own data
  • Runs as a standalone platform (is not dependent on, or part of, another software suite)

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Access to TOPO is available as a subscription. Licenses are available on an annual subscription basis or per-use.

To learn more, please visit our TOPO platform.