Technology selection: voltage level, AC or DC?

DNV advises on the selection of mature technology and smart grid electrical engineering solutions for T&D system operators

With pressure to expand and renew grids – and make them smarter – which technologies do you choose? Based on our decades of experience in T&D consulting and development, DNV helps you examine the options. If required, we can supply power system models  to accompany our reports and recommendations.

Amongst others, we advise on: air and gas insulated AC substations, HVDC voltage source converters, HVDC current source converters, flexible AC transmission systems, underground cables, subsea cables and overhead lines (AC and DC), as well as protection and control solutions, and telecommunications.

Key services

  • Advice on the best technologies for network reinforcement and asset replacement
  • Technology scans and reviews
    • identifying the best solutions for cost reduction and / or performance improvement in AC and DC systems
  • Maturity assessments of available technologies, and asses the risks related to using new ones.

Experienced partner
Our knowledge is built on a proven track record in T&D systems in real-world projects, testing and certification, and strategic consulting. This includes:

  • T&D network consulting
    • risk management, economic assessments
  • T&D development including pre-feasibility and feasibility work
  • development of smart grid technology
  • implementation of smart meters
  • connection of renewable and thermal energy sources, including on and offshore wind farms
  • project and business evaluation related to new business ventures, mergers and acquisitions
  • consultancy and research on renewable technologies
    • leading-edge innovation and support in adapting existing technologies to meet new obligations.