Technology qualification for energy

Gain confidence in new technology choices with DNV’s technology qualification for energy.

As today’s energy market evolves at an ever faster pace, stakeholders need to explore new ways of generating and delivering power. Implementing novel technologies in new parts of the system brings uncertainties. Stakeholders need evidence that a technology or process will function within specific limits and with minimal risk.

Our technology qualification for energy service gives you this evidence. Using our expert knowledge of the energy industry, we help you understand the capabilities of prospective new technologies. So, before you invest, you can be confident you are choosing and implementing the solution that best fits your requirements.

A service to meet your particular needs
The range of our service extends from qualification to performance assessment.

  • Qualification
    • setting the technology’s functional requirements
    • defining current technology readiness level (TRL)
  • Technology assessment
    • defining the novel and new elements in a technology
  • Threat assessment
    • identifying and quantifying the risks of the new elements based on the technology assessment
  • Qualification plan
    • developing a plan to help you bring your technology / process to the desired TRL or requirements
    • defining the necessary steps to mitigate risks identified through an extra qualification step
  • Execution of qualification plan
    • assisting you in executing the qualification plan
    • witnessing the defined tests and measurements as an independent third-party to give you full confidence in the results
  • Performance assessment
    • re-assessing the technology to check the evidence meets the requirements defined in the qualification basis process or the desired TRL

The outcome of the process can include a technology assessment report, a technology qualification plan and / or the technology qualification report.

Experience throughout the energy value chain
Our extensive expertise has been built up over 75 years of experience in developing and implementing new processes throughout the energy value chain. We also developed the recommended practice for technology qualification (RP-A203). So you can be sure you are getting the reliable and impartial evidence needed for a truly trustworthy assessment. What’s more, we can help you identify risks not just in generation but in transmission and distribution too.