Technical due diligence of thermal assets

Independent expertise and insight into technical risks helps you achieve a highly accurate valuation of thermal power generation assets.

If you are in business, divestments and acquisitions are a given. So when it is time to strike a deal, you need to arrive at a realistic valuation. However, this can be a difficult process: an incorrect assessment can lead to tremendous costs and high risks.

DNV offers you an independent advice and expertise to help you substantiate the valuation of any thermal power generation asset. You can draw on all our wide-ranging experience and global reputation to deliver confidence in the valuation of an asset.

A thorough assessment
Over many decades of working with the energy industry, we have built up extensive know-how and familiarity with all types of thermal generation assets. Our valuation process starts with gathering data information from a virtual data room. While assessing these data, we identify potential risks and issues by: 

  • Performing a techno-economic assessment based on in-house knowledge
  • Evaluating maintenance requirements and costs
  • Comparing the current situation with (future) legislation
  • Evaluating the costs for operation and growth

This leads to a “red flag report” focusing on identified risks as well as the condition of the asset. The issues raised in this report are then verified via a site visit. During this visit, our highly skilled engineers investigate the state of the plant, and conduct interviews with key personnel. By comparing information from the virtual data room and the on-site investigation, we can further elaborate on the state of the asset and potential issues. You then receive a final report tailored to your preferences. This report details our conclusions and describes potential risks and costs, helping you mitigate risks and arrive at a correct valuation.

Industry-wide expertise
Technical due diligence for thermal assets is just one of our extensive range of due diligence services spanning the energy industry – all based on the same expertise and methodology.