Technical and commercial due diligence of renewable projects

DNV provides technical and commercial due diligence, acting as an independent engineer for project developers and financiers in renewable power

DNV can act as an Independent Engineer (IE) to conduct technical and commercial due diligence for investors in renewable power projects. This gives you reassurance that the assumptions in the project’s pro forma financial statements are technically sound and commercial viable, and that the project is grid code compliant.

Our experts can assess the risks associated with the design of the project’s transmission and distribution facilities, and their integration into the existing grid. This includes reviewing any existing grid interconnection studies and expected levels of curtailment and/or transmission congestion.

Comprehensive overview
Typically, we take a holistic approach including a facility-wide risk assessment that covers energy resource (wind speed or isolation), technology (such as wind turbines and solar collectors) and financials.

Based on this, we review and identify potential material risks related to grid code compliance, grid-related curtailment, potential forced outages and future O&M expenses.

This service is available in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. In each of these regions, our experts have local knowledge, so they can take local grid code requirements into account.

Due Diligence assurance for project owners and investors
Project Owners can be assured that DNV understands and mitigates a variety of technical, legal and socio-environmental risks before you commit your valuable time and resources to the project, ensuring that the project’s technical feasibility will make for a sound investment. We account for all the factors in the development process and ensure technical feasibility.

Similarly, investors in a project can be rest assured that DNV understands the risk implications of technical, operational and commercial issues on your project's financial profile. DNV’s due diligence supports the investment or acquisition process, through an independent evaluation that all interested parties and project investors can rely upon.

Experience across industries
Working closely with each customer, DNV has been delivering renewables due diligence services for nearly 30 years. With extensive know-how behind them, our professionals provide a solid basis for informing intelligent decisions, regardless of the project or investment scale, the life cycle stage, or the region of the world.

Related information:

  Technical due diligence for investors and lenders

Technical due diligence for investors and lenders

For on- and offshore wind, energy storage, EV infrastructure, solar energy

  Technical due diligence for owners and operators

Technical due diligence for owners and operators

For on- and offshore wind, energy storage, EV infrastructure, solar energy