Technical analysis for NERC and FERC reliability standards

With our proven expertise, DNV helps you achieve trouble-free compliance with mandatory NERC TPL-001-4 and FERC 715 standards

The NERC and FERC standards are designed to ensure that transmission systems are robust, adequate for purpose, and can reliably serve growing demand loads. However, fulfilling their requirements involves detailed technical analyses which can be challenging for utilities and transmission owners.

Analysis and filing services
DNV offers expert assistance to simplify fulfilling your mandatory obligations. We can support you with technical studies and filing, ensuring your systems are planned for successful compliance.

Our engineering teams can conduct all the analyses required for NERC TPL-001-4: steady state power flow, short circuit and dynamic stability. And should any transmission violations show up, our experienced engineers will help you identify solutions.

You will receive all the documentation you need for submission, including presentations outlining study progress and a comprehensive report detailing study assumptions, methodology, results, observations, and recommendations. We can also support you with documentation for the necessary FERC 715 filing.

A proven partner
For more than ten years, DNV has provided technical support on NERC and FERC compliance to a range of privately owned utilities and municipalities. We support several on annual basis, and the results speak for themselves – with an outstanding record for those who have undergone auditing.