System impact assessment for electric vehicles

Understanding the impact of EVs on grid reliability is crucial, DNV’s experts provide in-depth technical analysis to support your decision-making

FERC Order 2222 approval, the ever-increasing shift towards the distributed energy resources (DER), growing trend of Electric Vehicle and the aging electricity infrastructure present its own set of planning and operational challenges for Grid Operators. Grid operators, Independent System Operators (ISO), Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) planners, transmission and distribution services providers, all need to evaluate the impact on grid reliability of new EV project interconnections and find a creative approach for a reliable grid.

Detailed system impact studies and planning are vital to limit the risk of future operational constraints and possible future network upgrades.

Supporting your decision-making
Through detailed studies and critical insights, DNV supports you in understanding the impact of proposed EV projects and in making well-founded decisions.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services on either side of the meter, regardless of the modelling software in use by the local utility. Our specialists will help you in determining the impact of EV projects on existing distribution and / or transmission facilities. This includes assessing the incremental impact on the existing system covering aspects such as thermal loading and short circuits – both in terms of grid and reliability requirements.

These services for utilities and ISOs include:

  • Best practices for utility-owned EV charging infrastructure projects
  • Short and long-term planning + system impact and hosting capacity analysis
  • Non-wires alternative evaluation (PV, battery, PV + battery)
  • Conceptual design
  • DER grid integration study with EV addendum
  • Vehicle grid integration roadmap and stakeholder coordination

Wide-ranging experience
Our team has the breadth of skills and experience to ensure you receive the best value in assessing new EV projects. With our expertise, we can help you achieve a broad understanding of the grid’s ability to accommodate any project, with in-depth technical assessments across a variety of platforms.