Solar investment tax credit qualification

ITC qualification services for solar energy project development

It’s time to execute on your plan to capture the 26% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for your solar projects this year.

DNV has extensive experience in performing inspections and independent certification in support of tax credit qualification activities. Over the past four years, we have supported tax credit qualification activities for more than 400 solar and wind energy projects. We are proud that 100% of our Production Tax Credit (PTC) reports have been accepted by the U.S. Treasury Department, a record which still holds for the solar ITC.

With our team of experts fully trained to perform ITC inspections, we have visited solar equipment manufacturers across the world. Our work has included:

  • Observation of physical work
    • Verifying on-site start of construction in the U.S.
    • Verifying off-site start of construction at factories in the U.S and internationally.
  • Supporting multiple developers in their safe harbor qualification endeavors.
Working with your tax counsel and relevant suppliers, we can help to ensure that your ITC qualification goes smoothly. If you intend to capture ITC for your solar project(s) through one of the three methods above, please contact us soon.

Energy in Transition Blog

View some of our blogs on solar ITC


Top Tips for Solar Investment Tax Credit in 2020

DNV's Ken Elser reveals the top 5 tips for solar ITC qualifications for this year.


Customer Insights: ENGIE Talks ITC Strategies

DNV interviewed the ENGIE team to discuss their investment tax credit strategy (ITC) for solar and how our team of experts supported their projects.