Solar grid integration
A proactive approach to successfully integrating solar into the power grid
Distributed solar generation is rapidly expanding in many parts of the world. This is resulting in a new class of utility client who both produces and consumes energy – the “pro-sumer.” Some utilities have been forced by public demand to address the integration of high penetrations of distributed generation to their transmission and distribution systems. This has created an ideal environment for innovation and presents opportunities for the utilities that wouldn’t exist otherwise.

This paradigm shift presents some new risks to a power system that was not designed with large amounts of distributed generation (DG) in mind. Through DNV’s experience in analyzing systems with high penetrations of DG and assessing different mitigation options, we are qualified to assist in all areas of Solar integration. DNV is a leader in providing advisory services to the solar industry. Through research and innovation, development of software and use of flexible tools, we are also current with the latest technology trends to help our clients find the optimum solution. Our testing laboratory network and third party certification experience also helps to provide assurance to project stakeholders investing in new system components.
Clients can leverage our capabilities for:
- Hosting capacity studies
- High DG [distributed generation] penetration studies
- Grid integration studies
- Production cost modeling
- Technology reviews
- Assessment of technology impact on full integrated resource planning
- Microgrid optimization studies
- Integrated transmission and certification of Grid Code Compliance studies
- Distribution system studies