Smart lighting solutions for intelligent buildings

Intelligent sensor network for an IoT building platform

Changes in lighting design and new technologies are changing utilities’ traditional approach to lighting, disrupting the time-honored one-for-one replacement model. At the same time, utility customers are looking for new ways to control costs, improve occupant comfort, and meet sustainability goals. Add to this the rapid adoption of LEDs and their networking capabilities. These trends are necessitating a creative approach to capturing savings from lighting programs.

Smart Lighting Solutions is the foundation for the next market transformation in lighting for utilities

These types of programs can deliver up to three times the savings than a prescriptive lighting project, and offers non-energy benefits to customers, like improved occupant comfort. DNV has successfully designed and implemented Smart Lighting Solutions programs on behalf of our utility clients for years. Our team has significant project experience in both retrofitting and new construction of lighting projects. We work through the project lifecycle to identify, justify, and evaluate energy saving measures and provide post-installation engineering review to verify savings.

What makes DNV’s Smart Lighting Solutions different?

Unlike other implementers who are just starting to implement Smart Lighting Solutions programs, DNV has a proven track record of crafting and implementing incentives in distinct markets. DNV has a deep bench of engineers who see beyond traditional energy efficiency measures. We collaborate with an extensive network of national manufacturers to stay on top of the latest industry trends. Our programs only incentivize the most current technology, allowing us to ‘future-proof’ energy savings. We rapidly deploy our staff to implement your program to a diverse client base. We leverage our national and local relationships to maximize opportunity identification and create a wide-ranging project funnel to help you meet your goals.

The bottom line

Not all Smart Lighting Solutions programs are equal. While some implementers prefer out-of-the-box solutions that rely on un-networked technology, DNV crafts incentives to each client’s market using only the industry’s best practices. We understand that change is hard, especially in times of uncertainty. Yet, it is this very uncertainty that must be addressed. Now is the time to diversify your energy portfolio with advanced technologies like Smart Lighting Solutions.

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